2024 UK Skilled Worker Visa: Key Changes and Implications


The UK's immigration system is undergoing significant changes in 2024, particularly affecting the Skilled Worker visa. Understanding these changes is crucial for employers, migrant workers, and families involved in the UK immigration process. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the key updates and their implications.

Skilled Worker Visa Salary Threshold Increase

Starting April 2024, the minimum salary threshold for Skilled Worker visas will rise from £26,200 to £38,700. This increase aims to align migrant workers' salaries with their UK counterparts. However, exemptions exist for Health and Care visa applicants and certain professions with national pay scales, such as teaching.

Revamping the Shortage Occupation List

The current Shortage Occupation List will be replaced by the Immigration Salary List, aligning more closely with the UK's labor market needs and addressing specific skills shortages. Details of the salary thresholds and included occupations in this new list are pending.

Restrictions on Bringing Family Members for Migrant Care Workers

New rules will impose stricter regulations on migrant care workers regarding the entry of dependants into the UK. This change aims to control immigration numbers and may lead to skills shortages in the care sector.

Transitional Measures for Existing Skilled Workers

Workers on the Skilled Worker route will benefit from transitional arrangements, exempting them from the new salary threshold for certain actions. However, they will need to comply with the new salary criteria in future applications.

Surge in Immigration Health Surcharge

The Immigration Health Surcharge will increase significantly from £624 to £1,035 per year, starting from 6 February 2024. This increase excludes Health and Care visas.

Revised Partner Visa Income Requirements

The UK Government revised the income requirement for partner visas, lowering the proposed increase to £29,000 from the initial £38,700. This change reflects a more flexible approach and will not apply to visa renewals.

These changes are part of the Government's strategy to reshape the UK's immigration landscape. Employers and individuals should stay informed and prepare for these updates.

For assistance with Skilled Worker visas and sponsor licences, visit jobs.worksponsors.co.uk, a resourceful platform for navigating the UK's immigration system.

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